Danaher Open Day 2024

Mon 9th Sep 2024

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended our Danaher Open Day on Sunday, 1st September 2024. What a day it was! The sun shone throughout, and many dogs took full advantage of our doggy pool to cool off and enjoy a splash!

Without the generosity and continued support from the community, Danaher Animal Home wouldn’t be able to operate as it does. The turnout was truly incredible, with so many smiling faces and animals, both past and present residents, joining in the fun. We'd like to take a moment to reflect on some of the highlights from this special day:

First and foremost, our ever-popular dog shows, a highlight of any Danaher Open Day. Over seven fantastic events took place, ranging from "Junior Handler" to "Golden Oldies", each with an impressive turnout and exemplary behaviour from all the dogs. The final show, "Best Rescue", was especially memorable, as Danaher staff had the pleasure of seeing former residents thriving and showing just how happy they are in their forever homes. A huge thank you to everyone involved.

We also had a wide variety of stalls, with dedicated organisers ensuring there was something for everyone. Whether you were looking for a refreshing drink, a unique gift, or information about Danaher, we had it all! It was a particular treat to see some familiar faces – our Danaher cats and dogs recreated in biscuit form! We extend another big thank you to those who worked tirelessly throughout the day to help raise funds for such a wonderful cause.

While our Open Days are all about fun, they also serve a vital purpose – raising funds for Danaher Animal Home. Thanks to your attendance, unwavering support, and generous donations, we managed to raise an astounding £6000. These funds will go directly towards helping countless animals in need, ensuring they receive the care and love they deserve, and allowing us to continue fulfilling our mission: Rescue. Rehabilitate. Rehome. Educate.

Finally, we must acknowledge the hard work of our incredible staff and volunteers, without whom this event wouldn’t have been possible. While you were enjoying the day, they were working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure everything ran smoothly. From our parking attendants and announcers to those manning the refreshments and BBQ, everyone played their part in making the day a success. A final and heartfelt thank you goes to every single Danaher staff member and volunteer for their dedication and hard work in delivering such a fantastic event.