Fundraiser: Walter


£37.50 / £100 Raised


💙 My background: 

Hello everyone, my name is Walter! I arrived at Danaher as a puppy over a year ago as part of a welfare investigation - I am Danahers longest staying resident! Whilst my case was being resolved I was cared for by the dedicated Danaher team. After a long and patient wait I am now able to find my forever home and humans!

🐾 My personality:

I am a lively lad who’s full of beans but I also have a soft and sensitive side where I love a fuss.

😊 How I feel about people:

I am friendly meeting new people! but I need an adult home or a family with older children.

🐶 How I feel about dogs:

I love other dogs! My play style is quick and energetic so I need other dogs in my life that enjoy my play. I am currently in a foster home with another doggy companion and we are getting on SO well! She’s really helped my confidence and I am picking up lots of training with her and following in her footsteps!

❤️ What I love: 

I love toys and games! I love being able to stretch my legs and zoom as fast as I can! So I’d love a garden of my own! I also love bum scratches and being stroked! Long walks with my doggy pals is my favourite thing to do.

⭐ Training needs: 

I am not used to living in a house so I will need basic training and plenty of time to settle in and find my feet. As mentioned before I am currently in a foster home and my foster mum has really helped show me that a home isn’t so scary! I still need some work with being left alone but day by day my foster mum is teaching me it’s okay to be left for a couple of hours but she’s been doing this gradually!

I can be a little unsure of the big wide world so I need more experiences and exposure to the everyday world with you by my side letting me know it’s all okay.

🏠 My dream home: 

I need a patient and experienced owner to help me learn the ropes in my new home. I would love my own garden to freely explore and play in. I need someone who can open their heart to me and teach me that the world is okay and fun!


Jason Honisett
Mon 12/08/2024
David Chantry
Sun 12/05/2024