Fundraiser: Henry


£0.00 / £100 Raised


My background: 

Hello everyone, my name is Henry and I am a lurcher cross breed, my handlers think I have a bit of Saluki or Collie in me! I was rescued as a stray so no one knows anything about my past or mix.


My personality:

I have a very sweet and friendly nature. I love to be on the go and busy. I would love a home that can stimulate both my body and brain as I have a high drive and am very intelligent.


How I feel about people: 

I am friendly and confident when it comes to meeting new people and enjoy a fuss when someone new says hello to me.

How I feel about other dogs:

I love other dogs but I become frustrated on the lead when I see others on a walk so I need more training learning to be more relaxed when I see other on walks. I can live with another dog that is playful like me!


What I love: 

I love fuss and attention, I am a super loving and ‘cuddly’ boy. I also love games and toys, I love all toys and playing fetch! I love being on the go and being in your company.

Training needs: 

I need lots of exercise and stimulation to keep me happy. I also need training around other dogs when I am on a walk.

My carers aren't sure what I am like in a house so please take your time to sow me the ropes and let me learn your routine and house rules.


My dream home: 

I need a home with a secure garden that I can enjoy playing in as I cannot be let off lead on walks. I need an adopter that matches my energy and can full fill my exercise needs as I am an active boy. I do need an adopter with behavioural experience as I am dog reactive and need some training around dogs on walks.


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