Fundraiser: Bourbon (JR16-d)


£0.00 / £20 Raised


Meet Bourbon, a truly laid-back little piggy who absolutely thrives on any affection you're willing to share with him. Picture this: the more cuddles and strokes you lavish on him, the more he melts into a blissful pancake, sprawled across your lap and basking in the comfort and warmth of your attention—absolute contentment!

In his quest for a forever home, Bourbon is eager to find companionship in the form of another affectionate soul. We're on the lookout for a place with a lovely lone sow or a welcoming group of sows, so Bourbon can indulge in the camaraderie of his own kind as well.

So, if you have room in your heart (and your home) for a snuggle-loving piggy and can offer him the delightful company of some sow pals, you could be the perfect match for our adorable Bourbon. Let's give him the chance to enjoy the company and love he so deserves!


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