Success Story - Rodney

Tue 14th Feb 2023

Rodney was in our care from August '22 to January '23. Initially, Rodney found kennel life very stressful and hadn't had much prior training.

Despite this, he was full of life and excitement, loved running around in our enclosed area, and playing fetch with tennis balls.

Also a very intelligent boy, Rodney learnt sit, paw, and could take a treat from your hand ever so gently. He loved to learn more tricks!

Rodney finally landed on his paws in January, finding the perfect new home. His new owners recently got in contact with an update...

"Rodney has settled in very well, eating well, sleeping in his bed at night, and getting plenty of walks. He is so such a character, very loving dog cuddles up with head on my lap and sleeps although he thinks he is a lap dog sometimes. No trouble putting harness on he sits and waits, has calmed down considerably to what he was like to start with and has got into a routine already - tell him bed time and he gets in his basket at night. Friendly with the rabbit they touch noses through run, still training him not to pull so much on the lead, he has although got a lot better, we have to watch what we leave in kitchen as he nearly managed to eat my frying pan! We are so glad we got him!"